The Ancestral Curses


There’s difference between being condemned to spiritual death and having a curse that’s affecting you and your family despite you been born again Christians. We have had cases where a good Christian had suffered a particular sickness, hardships, marital problems, a particular habit or other problems that had being following there family lineage, just as the case may be. And they had tried in many prayers, fasting and the problem remains until an anointed man of God prayed and breaks those cures. The questions to answer in this write up is should that be the case? Is it possible for a Christian to still be under bondage? What’s the solution for Spiritual freedom in Christ Jesus? Read on as the Holy Spirit leads us alone the part of understanding.

Ancestral curse can be defined as an evil or misfortune that follows a particular person as a result of being born into a family lineage; inherited family problems. A curse that follows a person as a result of the mistake of his forefathers: like Adamic curse (Genesis 3:17), Ahab curse (1 kings 21:21-26), etc.

In my little time of being a Pastor, I have had many people who came to me for deliverance, with believe in their hearts that a particular curse is following them even as a prayerful Christian. Many of them got delivered when we pray together and many just need counseling. Before we go on let me make it clear that because you see a particular problem physically doesn’t mean is not settled spiritually. Devil will always feed on children of God ignorance to keep them under bondage, which should not be so. If all of us Christian know our place and understand God’s word, we will always laugh at the devil’s tricks. If you are not born in a Christian home there’s always demon your forefathers was worshipping which will be following you or demanding that you worship them. Some of these powers are quiet when you haven’t being born again; some is as a result demon invoked to follow a particular family as a result of crime of their forefathers. And many are suffering or passing through many difficulties without knowing the reason for the problem they are facing.

When I started to know the Holy Spirit and it activities: that’s my early Christian life rediscovering. I started praying so much at midnights, and I was having attacks both physically and spiritually, sometimes I will see spirits in my room, I will pray and cast them out. A lot of times they came like owls in numbers crying on my window and disturbing my neighbors and I will be awake praying, rebuking and casting them out, they kept coming back. My neighbors in Shogunle know owls come for me and they expect me to start praying ones they comes in their groups. A lot of attacks came to me from the demons my forefather worshiped. During those sleepless nights I never panicked, Victor my friend is the only person I share the details of these mysteries with. The answers I got from all those attacks is that the demons had found out that they had lost me and they were fighting to create fear in me and also to make sure they destroy me or my new found faith. The only thing that got me through is my belief that Jesus had set me free and the demons have no right over me. That gave me boldness to standup against them in the name of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Though the fight lasted months I came out with victory and a lot of experiences.

Rom 8:1 says “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”. The effect of ancestral curses in a Christian’s life is as a result of ignorance of who we are. Hos 4:6 “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children”. 

To be continued
Pastor Eze Chukwu Earthkumy
Assemblies of God Church

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