6 Low Key Perks to Being Rich and Famous

Celebrity has some very specific qualities — people will go back and dredge up items form your early, embarrassing moments, for instance. Can you deal with that? It’s something to think about. But there are also tons of perks to fame and fortune, and outside of the obvious ones, I’ve come up with a few you may not have considered…

People Will Maybe Step in When You Go Nuts

The key to having someone help you with your mental breakdown when you're a celebrity is that you must make them more money while you are stable than when you are unstable. If your star has dimmed, then your "handlers" (the most monstrous people in your life profiting off of you) will probably hope that your stumble into the abyss will bring more money into their pockets.

Billboards With Your Face on Them

Ever forget what you look like when you’re all done up in makeup and airbrushed to look all pretty? Well, when you have billboards of your face all over the city you live in, you just have to hop in your car and head over to… I don’t know, wherever billboards are (if you’re in Los Angeles, the answer is "literally everywhere") and BOOM, you'll be reminded.

Garbage People Fake Being Nice to You

You’re probably like "Wait, why is it good when horrible, fake people are being nice to you because they think it will benefit them?" Well, having terrible, fake people being nice to you is still a lot better than having them be horrible to you. For real, those people have super human abilities to make you feel better. It’s better to have them on your side.

You Can Just Not Pay for Things

I know celebrities getting free stuff is not a secret, but I don’t think most people realize just how much stuff the already-rich get for free — dinners, gift bags, clothing — much of it under the guise that if they're seen wearing it/eating it/engaging with it in any way, we common folk are more likely to buy it.

People Always Assume Your Look Is Intentional

You know when you leave the house to go buy a sandwich and you’re wearing, like, a sweatshirt, pajama pants, and dress shoes with no socks, simply because those were the first three things you found? Well, if you're a rich celeb, people will assume that you did it on purpose and describe it as "bold and daring" or, worst case scenario, "a valiant attempt that failed spectacularly." I want people to think my being lazy is actually an act of effort!

You'll Be Referred to by Your Entire Name

Could you imagine referring to Leonardo DiCaprio as "Leo", or Matthew McConaughey as "Matt", or Glenn Close as "G"? No, you can’t. That must be nice, to have the plebs of the world unable to refer to you as anything other than the longest version of your name. It really elevates you over their sad, non-rich or famous asses.

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