In line with the Green Alternative of the Federal Government to diversify the economy from Oil dependency to Agriculture; the Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta and Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, Brigadier General Paul Boroh (Rtd) signed an MOU with the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA).
This MOU is to facilitate the training of five hundred (500) beneficiaries of the Presidential Amnesty Programme. These delegates will be trained in 5 batches of 100,  each for one month at the Bio-resources Development Centre (BIODEC), Odi, Bayelsa State.
The first batch of one hundred (100) delegates resumed at BIODEC on November 24, 2016 and a screening exercise was conducted with the aim of profiling the delegates into their desired courses before commencement of the training.
The beneficiaries were grouped into Fresh Water Fish Production (79), Macro Propagation of Elite Plants (Banana, Plantain, Pineapple) (5), Snail Farming (9), Grasscutter Farming (3) and Household Production (1).

The graduation ceremony took place yesterday, December 20, 2016 at the Bio-resources Development Centre, Odi.
Dignitaries present at the ceremony include,  Prof. Lucy Ogbadu (Director General, National Biotechnology Development Agency),  Brig. Gen. PT Boroh (Rtd) represented by Major Abdul Matti (Technical Assistant to the Special Adviser), HRM King Alfred Diette-Spiff (Amanayabo of Twon-Brass and Chairman, Bayelsa State Traditional Rulers Council), HRM King Okpoitari Diongoli (Ebedaowei of Opokuma Kingdom), HRM Onya Mozi Agara (Ebedaowei of Kolokuma Kingdom), HRM King Aseifa Hope Toru (Ebedaowei of Kabowei Kingdom) and HRH Shine Apere (Amananaowei of Odi Community).
In his remarks Gen Boroh advised the beneficiaries to continue with the same vibrant spirit and enthusiasm and to uphold the good effort of the President. The graduands were further advised to be good Ambassadors of the Presidential Amnesty Programme and to live a life worthy of emulation.
The graduation ceremony was a great success as a symbolic empowerment exercise followed immediately. The delegates were taken to a model Fish Farm which will be replicated for them in the Empowerment phase.

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