A Graduate Of Ahmadu Bello University Has Resorted To Selling Of Woina.... Pics

A graduate of Ahmadu Bello University has resorted to the Selling of Masa popularly known as woina (Rice Puff Puff) after his several and abortive job - hunt.

According to him, several attempt has been made to get a job and even a menial teaching job of N10,000 but no company, School or organisation has called let alone flashed. He said most of the companies Managers do tell him they are looking for means to reduce their workers let alone recruit as a result of the current economic recession.

He said he has skills in producing different kinds of disinffectants like Bleech, Izal, liquid soap, hair cream and so on and that as a matter of fact he is a successful candidate in the Bank of Industry online and In class Young Entrepreneur Support Programme that stands him the chance of been eligible to obtain the loan of N5 million but the over night demand of two guarantors by BOI which were not noted earlier in their conditions before applying shattered his dream of becoming an Entrepreneur as no body he knows that has assets worth of N5 million or a civil servant that can stand in the gap as guarantors.

He also lamented that no message was sent to him as regards the N-power programme so, he couldn't assess the portal for the N-power online assessment.

When asked if he won't feel bad or shy if the pictures of him Selling Woina gets to social media as some of his friends who are working already or girl friends might see him? He replied (Who shyness helped for this recession) that he has been a hustler right from Primary school and his mother has told him the very first day she gave birth to him to be a man.

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