Cattle Rustling: Senate Seeks Identification Of 19.5m Cows, 72.5m Goats

If the Bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the National Livestock protection, control and management Bureau is passed by the National Assembly, no less than 19.5 million cattle will be officially identified in the country.

Also to be identified according to 2011 National Agricultural Sample Survey of the livestock population in the country included 72.5 million goats, 41.5 million sheep, 7.1 million pigs, 145 million chicken, 11.6 million docks and 1.2 million turkey.

Entitled, A Bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the National Livestock (Protection, control, and management) Bureau for the purpose of livestock identification, traceability, registration, cattle rustling control and for other related purposes, sponsored by Senator Abu Ibrahim (Katsina South) scaled second reading yesterday in the Senate.

Senator Ibrahim in his lead debate noted that the move would improve food security, animal genetics and better flock management as well as manage animal health and disease control. 

He noted that in April 2015, sub-Saharan African countries, including Nigeria, adopted a declaration in Pretoria, South Africa, on animal identification and recording.

Senator Ibrahim reminded his colleagues that Nigeria has about 40 percent of the entire cattle population in West Africa.

He said that Lagos as a metropolitan city has the largest livestock market in West Africa where a transaction of over 5,000 cows, 8,000 to 10,000 sheep and goats is recorded daily.

“It is worthy to note that in the Beef Production Index Report of May 2016, Nigeria was not even mentioned, among the top 52 producing countries. A list that had countries like Gambia and Congo,” he said.

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