Prince arrested for marijuana in castle

Italian police have arrested a prince, Andrea Odescalchi, heir to an old noble family, for growing cannabis in his ancestral castle.

The Carabinieri, Italy’s paramilitary police, discovered in Odescalchis’ castle 114 grams of marijuana ready for sale and seven grams of hashish.The Duke had more than 35 marijuana plants growing, each of which was one meter high, local newspaper Il Mattino reported on Wednesday.

The castle, where Odescalchi equipped the greenhouse, was built in the 16th century as part of the defensive structures around the Italian capital.

Now it is popular as a venue for wedding ceremonies thanks to its coastal location, a large collection art works, and an extensive park.

Prince Odescalchi, 33 years old, was accused of the possession and manufacture of narcotic substances with a view to their sale and placed under house arrest.

The young prince, domiciled in Santa Marinella, ended up in handcuffs. He was detained for drug trafficking and cultivation of plants suitable for the production of drugs.

The Odescalchi family has been prominent in Italy since the 13th century. A few cardinals and even one Pope has descended from this noble house.

In England, Police officers also made an amazing discovery the same day when doing a drug raid: marijuana plants decorated in the form of a Christmas tree.

In the house raided in Gloucestershire, police found a small cannabis farm that included the tree.

A man and woman were arrested on suspicion of cultivating cannabis. They posted bail with a hearing scheduled for February.

Drugs and equipment also were seized in the raid.

The police department got in a festive mood by posting a photo of the tree on Twitter with the words: Not your traditional Xmas Tree! Glocuestershire police are looking to combat the illegal operation as part of Operation Emperor.

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