The Speech "La Ilaaha Illallaah" - Islam for Muslims


The meaning of "la ilaaha illallaah" is ; There no deity that has the right to be worshipped except Allaah..

some Muslims erroneously translate it "there is no god except Allaah(God)" by Allaah who has my heart inbetween his FINGERS and my life on HIS HANDS, this is wrong. Even the polytheist of Makkah understood that speech.


its pillars are divided into two: Negation and Affirmation

i) la ilaaha: Negating EVERY object taken as object of worship other than Allaah.

that is, you don't believe that any other than Allaah can do you good or bad, you don't tie talisman around your neck, you don't hang charms for "protection" above your ceiling or infront of your house and the likes, also YOU DON'T CALL ON ANYONE OTHER THAN ALLAAH, YOU DON'T SET INTERMEDIARIES BETWEEN YOURSELF AND ALLAAH.

ii) illallaah: sincerely rendering acts of Allaah for Allaah alone.

Riya comes to mind, do your acts of worship sincerely for Allaah, do not expect praises or appreciation from people because of an act of worship for Allaah, its SHIRK WHICH IS CAPABLE OF MAKING YOU A COMPANION OF HELL.


The criteria of this speech is seven;

1.) knowledge

Allaah says;

"So know that la ilaaha illallaah and ask forgiveness for your sin."

2.) certainty

Allaah says;

"... the (true) believers are those only who believe in Allaah and His messenger and afterward doubt not, but strive with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah. Such are the sincere."

The prophet said;

"No one meets Allaah with the testimony that la ilaaha illallaah and I am the Messenger of Allaah, and he has no doubt about that statement, except that he will enter Paradise" ~ related by Muslim.

3.) sincerity 

Allaah says;

"Worship Allaah, making religion pure for him."

4.) truth

Allaah says;

"And of mankind are some who say, 'We believe in Allaah and the Last Day,' when they believe not. They think to beguile Allaah and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves, but they perceive not. In their hearts is a disease, and Allaah increases their disease. A painful doom is theirs"

5.) love 

Allaah says;

"Yet of mankind are some who take unto themselves (objects of worship which they set as) rivals to Allaah, loving them with a love like (that which is due to) Allaah only. However, those who believe are stauncher in their love of Allaah."

6.) submission

"So if they dispute with you[oh Muhammad], say: "I have submitted My whole self to Allaah and so have those who follow me." And say to the People of the Book and to those who are unlearned: "Do you (also) submit yourselves?" If they do, they are in right guidance"

7.) acceptance

Allaah says;

"Do you believe in part of the book and reject part of it? And what is the reward of those who do so save ignominy in the life of the world, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be consigned to the most grievous doom."


Whoever gives this speech "la ilaaha illallaah" its full rights (that i have mentioned already), carefully follows and act upon the conditions i have mentioned and also do not have any defects cconcerning this speech, he will SURELY enter jannah(Paradise) just as the prophet said;

"There is none who testifies that la ilaaha illallaah wa anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rosuluhu with TRUTH(about the statement) in his heart except that Allaah has prohibited hell for him" ~ related by bukhaari

he also said;

"There is none among (the) servants(of Allaah) that said la ilaaha illallaah then dies upon that, except that he will be admitted to Paradise" ~ related by bukharari.

salaam alaykum.

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