Woman Who Lost Her Eyes In Acid Attack Gives Birth To Baby Girl. Photos

A brave acid attack victim whose face 'melted away' when a jilted suitor broke into her bedroom and poured chemicals into her eyes has given birth to a healthy baby girl. Sonali Mukherjee, 31, lost her hearing and eyesight when the spurned attacker and two friends doused her face in a chemical used to burn rust off tools.

But 14 years on from that terrible night, which left 80 per cent of her body covered in unsightly burns, Sonali cannot stop gushing over her beautiful new daughter who she has lovingly named 'Pari' - or Angel.

'Being a mother is really an amazing feeling and the moment I touched her face I was overwhelmed with emotions,' Sonali told MailOnline. 'I got my face back.'

'Although I can't see her face I can feel her, that's just an amazing feeling. I can't express my joy. 

'Everyone is saying she resembles me. She's healthy and a bit naughty,' she added from her hospital bed in Dhanbad, Jharkhand state.

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